Can Springer Spaniels Jump High?

Springer spaniels can jump high under the right conditions. They can jump roughly 2 feet high without any type of leverage to help them. If they have some form of leverage to get a foothold, they have no problem scaling walls 5 to 6 feet tall.

When you first get a glance of this breed, you wouldn’t think it’s possible. However, Springer spaniels have been bred to be work dogs, and they depend heavily on their agility and intelligence to perform well out in the field.

Most people that own Springer spaniels have no intention to use these dogs for what they were initially bred for, in terms of their physicality. Instead, Springer spaniels are adopted for their friendly and loyal nature which makes them excellent family dogs.

While there is nothing wrong with choosing this breed for these reasons, I personally feel that it’s important for people to realize that proper training is needed to calm the other “annoying” traits that these dogs have due to their strong need to be outdoors, chasing prey.

The Problem With Jumping

When Springer spaniels build up too much energy, they need to find a way to burn it. This isn’t easy to do if they are cooped up in the backyard with little room to run around in.

Even if they have enough space, there is a point where they have the strong desire to explore new areas of interest, and as these dogs are drawn to scent, anything that they smell in the air can trigger them to want to investigate.

This could be because there is a dog, rabbit, squirrel or other type of animal close by that could trigger your Springer’s instinctive nature to find any means to chase it.

It could also be that your Springer is just bored and needs some form of stimulation. And as they say, the grass is always greener on the other side.

Regardless of the reason, this can become a serious problem for you, the dog owner. The last thing you want is to have your Springer jump over your fence or wall only to get hit by a car. And there are many other unwanted outcomes that could occur.

So, what does a dog owner do to keep their Springer spaniel safe and secure in their property?

Install A Higher Fence

You would think that this would be a simple solution. However, most people find it very difficult; the reason being that it’s expensive.

Before you adopted your Springer spaniel, you probably already had a fence surrounding your property, and you most likely didn’t factor in the possibility of getting a Springer.

While it is easy for us to dish out advice such as getting a higher fence of 6 feet or more, or to install an extra part of the fence near the top that points at a 45° angle towards you, the reality is that all of this costs money.

That being said, if you have the money to do it, this is a good start. The idea is that whatever you do, there must be no way that your Springer spaniel can find any leverage to scale your fence or wall; it’s not only the height you need to worry about.

Some people even plant a small hedge in front of their fence or wall as it makes it difficult for a dog to use it as leverage in order to spring and run up the wall. In my opinion, you have to be very careful here as there is a possibility that your Springer could get injured.

It’s entirely possible that your Springer spaniel could get overly excited at a specific scent in the air and not think twice about trying to use your hedge as a springing pad. What could happen is that your pooch could find herself getting caught between the small branches, which in turn could get her injured.

Some people recommend using an electric fence. I’m strongly against this idea as I find it to be very cruel.

Your Springer spaniel is doing this because it’s a natural behavior. They’re not trying to be bad, so there’s no need for any form of punishment, especially one as cruel as electric shocks.

Another option is to install dog runners with a roof top in your yard. This option could be effective if it is used for a limited time. For some dogs, it could actually be very limiting, which can make them feel agitated. I suggest you have a good understanding of your Springer spaniel’s personality before taking this route.

Exercise Your Springer More Often

By giving your Springer spaniel a good aerobic workout, you will be taking a huge step in calming her instinctive need to go out and explore.

The exercise will tire your pooch out, and it will also give her sufficient mental stimulation while she is exploring. This is important because it means that your dog won’t suffer from boredom, which is another reason why springers and other breeds have the need to jump over the fence to “escape”.

Springer spaniels need lots of exercise. I recommend at least two hours of aerobic exercise per day split into one-hour sessions.

It is also recommended to at least let them out for 15 minutes between the two sessions so that they can expend any extra energy, and it’s a great way for them to settle down after lunch.

You might think that your backyard should be sufficient for your Springer spaniel to be able to run around and play in, but it’s not. They really need to get out and explore new places and have a sense of freedom.

And it’s a great way for you to bond with your pooch and to train her, which is the next important thing that you need to do.

Obedience Training Is Crucial

With the right training, and being consistent at it, this is by far the most effective method to keep your dog under control so that she doesn’t impulsively scale over fences and partake in any other type of annoying behaviors.

It is the cheapest method as well, because you don’t need to spend so much money on installing high fences, and there is less chance of your vet bills piling up due to your Springer getting injured from jumping walls that were too high.

I think the reason why most people don’t spend enough time training their Springer spaniels is because of the consistency that is required.

It could be because people don’t feel they have enough time in the day to do it as they have other responsibilities, or they just don’t have the patience.

Regardless, obedience training is so important that there really should be no excuse. I personally believe that if you don’t have the time to train your dog appropriately, then you shouldn’t have got one in the first place.

Yes, sometimes unexpected circumstances occur, but those are the exceptions. In most cases, we are all able to squeeze in some free time out of our busy schedules.

Another way to look at it is this:

When you take your dog out for walks, this is a time where you can also take part in obedience training, and it’s a great time to get your daily exercise; it’s a win-win situation for everyone.

By training your dog properly, she will know that it is wrong to jump any wall, and even jumping up and down against you to get your attention can be stopped.


While Springer spaniels can be loving and affectionate dogs, they also have a tendency to be a little out of control if not trained properly.

These dogs are known for being overexcited, especially when their owners have come back from work. When they get overexcited, the first thing they do is jump up and down, and many times their paws will scratch your skin or ruin your clothes as they jump up against you.

However, with the right obedience training, and maybe a few yard renovations in worst-case scenarios, you should have no problem deterring your Springer from jumping during times when it’s not appropriate. As long as you’re consistent, patient and willing to put in the hard work.

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